For some reason this post title reminds me a little bit of my drunk kitchen. It sort of rhymes. You should probably check that out. Also, she has a video called Frederick. That's pretty neat. Even if she may or may not ask "Frederick" to take her in the butt...
I walk to the train. My hungover audition sees your walk of shame and is judging you, however hypocritical this judgment may be. My hangover audition also sees Minnie Mouse and someone dressed in full bridal-wear singing R&B in Times Square and doesn't know how to deal with this. My hungover audition wonders why people hold auditions on weekend mornings anyway. Don't people know that actors like to drink? Is studio space just cheaper on weekend mornings? (Probably). Is whatever my hungover audition is for a worthwhile project anyway? (Probably not.)
My hungover audition is over, and for the most-part, so is my hangover, but we're going to run with this concept for the rest of the post anyway. Why? Because I like it. It's time to go and my hungover audition really, really does not want to deal with your subway drumming, your weekend train delays and cancellations and the number of slow moving tourists in Times Square. All my hungover audition cares about now is what terrible, probably fried, nourishment it is going to find for lunch. It debates for a while over french fries, chicken tenders and pizza, but eventually my hungover audition and my unlimited metrocard decide that it is a good idea to stop in the Grand Central dining concourse for samosas. My hungover audition thinks it gets two samosas with it's order, and when it gets three, decides it will be virtuous and find a homeless person to receive the spare. However, after a moment of contemplation, my hungover audition eats the third samosa. My hungover audition is fed and satisfied and decides that now we can go home. Though first my hungover audition will walk me around for a while to contemplate finding further, unnecessary sustenance and may or may not buy some fro-yo on special at c-town.
Then, finally, my hungover audition decides it's time to take a nap.
Something wakes me up. Oh, what's that? I just got a callback from my hungover audition? Well there you go.
The tone of this post also somewhat inspired by: "my period takes me shopping."
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